February 2018 Astrocast

Retrograde Planets: 


Uranus (28:31 - 24:34 Aries) 3 August - 2017 - 2 January 2018

(Shadow until 19 April 2018)

Neptune (14:15 - 11:28 Pisces) 16 June - 22 November 2017

(Shadow until 14 March 2018)


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Sun   Moon  Mercury   Venus   Mars   Jupiter   Saturn   Uranus   Neptune   Pluto  

1st House  2nd House  3rd House  4th House  5th House  6th House  7th House  8th House  

9th House  10th House  11th House  12th House

Aspects     Sign Rulers     Fire-Earth-Air-Water     Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable

Eclipses  Solar Returns  Retrograde Planets

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(Brings something new into your life)
(Ending, culmination, or shift to a new phase)
Date: 15 February 2018 Date: 1 March 2018
Position: 27:01 Aquarius (Strongest influence for those born ~18 January) Position: 11:23 Virgo (Strongest influence for those born ~2 January)
Natural House: 2nd Natural House: 9th
Influences of the 2nd house include your finances, income, possessions, needs, comforts and pleasures.  A New Moon in this area suggests something new but it may not be of a material nature.  This house includes anything you value, which could relate to your standards or morals as well as money.  For example, you may discover that changing jobs to do something you love is more important than the income itself. Influences of the 9th house include your philosophy of life, beliefs, expectations, legal matters, higher learning/academia, publication, other cultures, religion, politics, long-distance travel and relocation.  Look for a culmination or shift to a new phase that relates to something in this part of your life.   


This month as well as last demonstrate how messed up the Gregorian calendar is given we had two Full Moons last month, and none this month; rather it falls on March 1, giving March a blue Moon, or second Full Moon within a month, as well. So poor February is cut short, but not to worry, astrologically, everything is just fine as far as all the correct signs getting their lunation. If the calendar followed the cosmos, everything would be just fine. Hello, Mayans! Oh, well, enough editorializing.

February may only have one lunation, but it's not only a New Moon, but a Solar Eclipse, making it stronger and more special. You can learn more about eclipses here. It's only a partial eclipse which will be seen in some pretty remote areas. I'm talking about Antarctica, folks, which is about as remote as it can get, with Buenos Aires, Argentina, getting a glimpse and that's about it. You can see a map of its path here. Nonetheless, it's an eclipse, and likely to stir up a few things.

This one is designated Saros Series 1 South. According to eclipse Guru, Bernadette Brady, this one relates to "ideas and their enthusiastic expression." Thus, those influenced by it could come up with a plethora of new ideas or paths stretched out before them. You may feel rushed to pursue them, but if you can do so, they should have positive outcomes. That relates to the series as a whole. Now let's look at the specifics of this one.

The aspects in this one actually support its theme quite nicely. Mercury is conjunct the lunation, bringing his communication skills to bear. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, making this even stronger. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all sextile Uranus, the planet that rules brain storms and innovation, which is certainly fortuitous! Venus is in Pisces, sextile Saturn in Capricorn, a somewhat odd combination but also favorable given that Venus is also exalted and at her most influential best and Saturn is in dignity, making them operating nicely as well.  This looks good for putting something together with the help of inspiration and perhaps supportive people. Jupiter, however, is squaring the eclipse trio, suggesting the need to keep that enthusiasm within reasonable bounds or you could scare people off, especially if you're acting a bit too forceful about the whole thing, based on his connection with Pluto.

Mars in Sagittarius, which in general would encourage you to take action on your beliefs or perhaps pursue additional training, is squaring Neptune, another subtle warning to not get too carried way, but to keep your ideas realistic. This is all great support for the eclipse, which doesn't always occur. Thus, if you're someone being affected by it, especially those born on the date indicated above under this lunation, put that pleasant energy to good use!


Since the Full Moon occurs on March 1, I'll go into that next time.


This is another unusual situation, at least to some degree, and that is that there are no retrograde planets! That means they can all function properly, their energy openly expressed as opposed to being internalized. Uranus and Neptune are still in their shadow periods for a while, but at least moving forward. January didn't have any retrograde planets, either, so that suggests moving forward nicely in your endeavors as this year gets off to a start.

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