If you were to salute a Capricorn on the street, out of the clear blue sky, they'd probably salute back without even thinking about it...

Capricorns are born between December 22 – January 20. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, that is the darkest, coldest time of year. As if that’s not bad enough, these unfortunate souls are ruled by Saturn, the most serious, wizened, staunch and even stuffy planet we know of and so aptly personified by that decrepit Father Time seen so often around New Years. No wonder people get drunk on New Years Eve. And as a friend of mine so often remarks to those with a negative spin, "It must suck to be you."

In response, I must admit that, yes, indeed it does. And I can say that with authority because I’m a Capricorn.

The astrological icon for Capricorn is the goat, or more specifically the sea goat. And no doubt the expression "old goat" originated to describe a Capricorn. We are grumpy, mean, serious, taciturn, authoritarian, power hungry, social climbers.

And proud of it, I might add.

We reside in the zodiacal 10th House of community standing and all that hoopla. We like to feel important. We don’t necessarily like a lot of attention or fanfare, but we want to be appreciated and respected and we don’t mind working hard to get there. After all, goats are known for climbing mountains. (They’re also known for eating tin cans and the neighbor’s tulips, but we won’t go there. Actually, goats are picky eaters. I know because I had one once. Her name was Geraldine and she and my ex didn’t get along. He’d be out there milking her at o’dark:30 in 20 below weather and when he was done she’d look him in the eye and deliberately put her foot in the bucket. We didn’t have her for long. Oddly enough, that really was typical Capricorn behavior….)

If you look in a Capricorn’s closet, most likely you’ll see a lot of black. This isn’t because the light is out, but because we like wearing dark colors. I don’t know why. Maybe it goes back to being born in the dead of winter, though I’m not sure that’s it, either, because with Christmas and the other holidays around that time you’d think we’d like red and green. Which, actually, I do. But I do wear a lot of black. And look good in it, too, which is kind of scary. Believe me, I get more compliments when I wear black than any other color, and of course that reinforces it. It has other advantages as well. It doesn’t show dirt and it hides those extra pounds I put on between Thanksgiving and New Years, though cat hair is another story. Yes, if there’s one thing we are, it’s practical. Saturn sees to that.

In case you haven’t already guessed, we’re also known for our dark sense of humor. At least we have one, buried though it may be, and we do know how to use it. I can’t tell a joke as well as an Aries or Aquarius and the laughs I evoke aren’t the hee-haw, knee-slapping kind of wit, but I can make people laugh when they need it most. Like in the middle of a long, dry meeting, at tax time or even a funeral. Those times when you don’t know whether to laugh or cry are when I’ll make you laugh. As an Earth sign, I’m more comfortable with cool logic than outward displays of emotions. I have them but don’t like to admit it. So when situations get tense, I try to lighten things up.

There have been times when there’s this wet stuff leaking from my eyes and I’ll be accused of crying but I’ll firmly declare that it’s my allergies, contact lenses or the jalapeno juice I got on my hands fixing dinner. I was at a farewell luncheon in a Mexican restaurant for someone I’d worked with for roughly ten years and we became very good friends. A couple of times I could feel it coming on, but when the conversation started getting too sentimental I simply declared to everyone present not to go there and then pretended it was the hot sauce. Since I’m the boss I could do that.

Lots of us are bosses, by the way. We're hardworking, dependable and barring a troublesome ascendant, usually pretty self-motivated as an employee. We also don’t mind responsibility, so usually wind up with plenty. We seldom have anything handed to us. That’s the way it is when you’re ruled by Saturn, but we also have the tenacity and perseverance it takes to wear others down and eventually get where we want to go. And that about sums it up.

I’m not sure this qualifies as a salute, but then there are numerous definitions of "salute," some of which can’t be included here. But the fact of the matter is that Capricorns carry more than their share of the weight of the world and do it well, in spite of the creaky joints we inevitably acquire as we age. I guess that’s the price we pay for climbing all those mountains.

So the next time you’re at some festive event, find a Capricorn and give that goat a great, big smile. Better yet, a hug, if you dare. If you don’t know where to find one, try that person in the corner working frantically on a laptop, even if it’s their daughter’s wedding. And if that doesn’t work, try that one over there with the Edgar Allen Poe smile. You know, the one over there. The one all dressed in black.


Attitude:  Nothing beats the view at the top.

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