If there's anything that
astrology tends to do it’s give you too much information, which can
easily boggle your mind. However, it is this richness and complexity that makes it so
valuable and the ability to understand each of the elements and its
affect is essential to building the instinct necessary to integrate all
the information into a meaningful whole.
For example, it’s not uncommon to have
numerous bits of conflicting information in a chart, its
interpretation or a horoscope.
You could have a Neptune
Venus that would ordinarily put you in a
very tolerant and easy-going frame of mind simultaneously with
squaring your Ascendant, which would normally make you
aggressive and probably less than pleasant to be around.
Which one will be more strongly manifested can depend on numerous other
factors, including the House in which they fall.
One of the most difficult things for someone new to
astrology to understand is the concept of the twelve Houses.
Each House covers a specific area of our life, which can be very
generally summarized as follows:
House – The Ascendant; influences the person’s
appearance to the world, their general attitude toward life, outward personality
and how they assert themselves.
House – Influences a person’s values, how they
handle money, and feel about their possessions.
House – Defines the thought process and intellect.
House – Relates to the home and family
environment, past and present, including past lives, and what makes you feel
House – Colors the expression of personal
creativity, sports, love affairs and relationships with children.
House – Affects work and other practical efforts,
such as anything you do or produce. Health and pets are also included as
well as
House – Drives close relationships, partnerships,
open enemies,
and patronage.
House –
Governs other people’s money and shared resources,
attitudes toward sex, death, healing and regeneration.
House – Relates to higher education, long distance
travel, relocation, and legal matters. 10th House – Relates to reputation and standing before the community and your attitude toward authority figures. Influences honor, worldly power, fame, promotion, calling, and position. Some believe it represents the person's father as the 4th represents the mother, though some astrologers reverse them, depending on which parent held the authoritarian role. "Status" is included in this house as well. This rather vague term relates to such things as titles and labels, if you will. For example, when you graduate from high school or college, get married, become a parent, earn a promotion (or conversely get fired), win an election or other contest, (heaven forbid) go to jail (also 12th House) and so forth, your "status in the community" has changed and will be reflected in this House.
House – Influences importance and interaction with
friends, acquaintances, organizations, and groups including coworkers.
House – Includes spirituality, inspiration,
enlightenment, dreams,
hidden enemies, martyrs, insanity, institutions and the collective consciousness.
An individual’s 1st House cusp is delineated by
their Ascendant and the other Houses follow from there in a counter-clockwise
direction around the Natal Chart.
Since each sign has its own character and personality, this will reflect on the
For example, if a person’s 3rd House, which rules the thought
process and intellect, is placed in Scorpio, it’s very likely that this person
will be very interested in subjects of a mysterious nature or the occult.
If their 6th
House of Work, Health and Pets is in Aquarius, they’re likely to do well working
for a large company of someplace where they’ll be interacting with groups of
people as opposed to a more isolated career.
Planets placed in the Houses natally as well as current transits also
affect these areas of your life. If you're familiar with the general characteristics of the Sun Signs you probably noticed a strong similarity between them and the twelve houses described above. Not surprisingly, Zodiacal House placement coincides with these signs as noted in the table above. Some astrologers also consider the placement of the Sun Sign as defining the first house, especially when the exact time of birth is unknown or when casting a mass horoscope, such as those you'll find here. So, in summary, there are 1) Your Natal Houses, which are for you personally, based on your birth information, including your time and place of birth; 2) The Zodiacal Houses which are noted above and based on Aries being the first House; and, 3) The Natural Houses for each sign, where the 1st House is denoted by the placement of the Sun, also referred to as "Sun Sign Astrology." Cusps Cusps are borders between either Houses or Signs. For Signs, the Sun typically crosses the cusp in the middle of the day or night, not at a nice clean cutoff at midnight. The Houses also may extend over more than one Sign, but the one with the most influence will be the one where the cusp lies. Four of the House cusps are significant energy points and more influential. These are called the Angles and for most house systems occur at the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses. These are defined by a system of "Great Circles" which are specific to your location. One is the horizon (whether or not you can see it); the Ecliptic (apparent path of the Sun); and the Meridian (parallel to the lines of longitude and passing directly over your head). The Ascendant (1st house cusp) is the intersection of the horizon and the ecliptic in the east, or where the Sun rises. The Imum Coeli or IC or 4th house cusp, is defined by the intersection of the Meridian and Ecliptic (where the Sun is at Midnight). The Descendant or 7th house cusp, opposes the Ascendant and is the intersection of the Ecliptic and Horizon in the west, where the Sun sets. The Midheaven or Medum Coeli, a.k.a. 10th house cusp, is the intersection of the Ecliptic and Meridian, or where the Sun is located at Noon, local time. On your Natal Chart it represents which degree and sign of the zodiac was directly overhead when you were born. Thus, these house cusps derive from your actual geographical location.
There are various House division systems, but for Placidus and most others, the 1st
is your Ascendant. Your
Ascendant has strong bearing on your appearance before the world;
the IC relates to your home environment, memories, and cultural
roots; the Descendant has significant bearing on the close
relationships you maintain in your life; and the Midheaven or MC relates to your
public image and community standing.
When natal or transiting planets form aspects to these cusps
they will influence these respective areas of your life. * * * |
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