There are a lot of opinions in the world and a large share of them comprise the leanings of Libra. . . Libra is the only astrological sign represented by an inanimate object, in this case a balance scale. All the others are animals or people of one sort or another. This has got to tell you something right off the bat. To say they’re unbalanced isn’t quite correct, because there isn’t a single other group that tries harder to keep on an even keel. But let’s just say they do about as well at that as Virgos do at being perfect. Our "scaley" friends are born between September 23 and October 23 and are ruled by Venus. Now right there’s a major clue. Factor in the Element of Air and the Modality of Cardinal and you have someone who loves everyone, or wants to at least try, talks a lot and wants to be in charge whenever possible. Sounds pretty ideal, doesn’t it? And actually, Libras generally are pretty nice people. And that’s because they want everyone to be happy. Everyone has a story to tell and Libra does an exceptional job of being able to relate to people so well that they manage to understand just about everyone. This is not to say they agree with everyone, but they generally do a very good job of figuratively "walking a mile in someone else’s moccasins" and being nonjudgmental. I don’t care if you’re Mother Theresa or an ax murderer Libra could probably get along with either. Libras live in the 7th House of relationships and unless they’re involved in one or more, they’re lost. They not only can’t stand contention, but want everyone to get along. They may appear two-faced to some because they seldom take sides. Rather they listen to both and will try and facilitate an agreement wherever possible. Being an Air sign, logic prevails, but Earth and Water signs are often less than enchanted with their efforts to bring resolution to a problem. Those that aren’t comfortable talking about some issues likewise won’t appreciate it, even though Libra is only striving for everyone to be heard, understand one another and play happily in the same sandbox. Ironically, Libras often have a very difficult time talking about their own emotional issues. Astrologically they’re somewhat caught between a rock and a hard place because they have a hard time defending themselves because they are so busy trying to be fair to the other person. Many of the Libras I have known have been blond, at least in childhood if not as an adult. And some of them are blond in the figurative sense, too, i.e. reference the "blond joke" of your choice. Some of the females tend to be "air heads" but this can be balanced with an Earth-based Moon sign or ascendant. Generally, they’re well liked, however, because they’re non-confrontational. To be otherwise would require taking a stand on something, which they are loath to do. Along those same lines, they can also be indecisive because they're so busy weighing all the pros and cons. For obvious reason Libras do very well in debate clubs because it is second nature to them to switch sides. I'm not saying they're a bunch of abuliacs, but they're more likely to lean in that direction than other signs. Libras live in the 7th House of relationships and unless they’re involved in one or more, they’re lost. The Sun is in a condition know as "fall" in Libra which relates back to traditional astrology and being tied to the seasons. The Sun goes into Libra, at least in the tropical zodiac, when the autumnal equinox occurs and thus the days start to get shorter than the nights, implying the Sun is losing power. And thus it seems for Libras. Their egos are fragile and typically defined by the people around them, thus the need for relationships so they can get to know themselves through others. They can’t stand contention, probably because it creates such a conflict within, and want everyone to just get along. They may appear two-faced to some because they seldom take sides. Rather they listen to both and will try to facilitate an agreement wherever possible. Being an Air sign, logic prevails, but Fire and Water signs are often less than enchanted with their efforts to bring resolution to a problem. Those that aren’t comfortable talking about some issues likewise won’t appreciate it, even though Libra is only striving for everyone to be heard, understand one another and play happily in the same sandbox. Don’t forget, however, that they really don’t see it as an inconsistency when they attempt to agree with everyone, even those with diametrically opposed views. Those who disagree with each other and have a Libra in the middle are both likely to be unhappy with the Libra. This is because he or she appears to be siding with the other, introducing more discord which in turn will drive the Libra back to the negotiation table or a stiff drink, whichever seems more efficacious at the time. For someone who tries to keep peace all the time, they have a remarkably difficult life. What a tangled web we weave… Ironically, Libras sometimes have difficulties dealing with their own relationship issues. Astrologically they’re caught between a rock and a hard place because they require a relationship to feel fulfilled, want to keep everyone happy, and thus often allow others to walk on them rather than initiate a discussion that could evolve into an argument. They can be supremely logical about everyone else’s problems but their own can be insurmountable and more easily ignored than confronted. Their self-identity is largely derived from those around them which can make them particularly vulnerable, especially when a disagreement arises. It’s difficult to be "fair" when you’re one of the parties yet abhor contention. When placed in this kind of situation they’ll either ignore it entirely or, if they react at all, be a textbook case of passive aggression. That’s one possibility. If they’re pushed far enough to reach the breaking point there’s another trait Librans can display that’s essentially the dark side of their inherent “fairness doctrine,” most simply defined as “an eye for an eye.” If they’ve been hurt sufficiently they can become every bit as vengeful as a Taurus or Scorpio which can be quite a shock to someone accustomed to their usually complacent and logical nature. It’s worth noting that there’s one possible explanation for that type of behavior which is so contradictory to their usual peace-loving nature. Mercury, the planet that rules communications, will never be more than one sign away from the Sun. Simply put, this means that Libras will have Mercury in Virgo, their own sign, or Scorpio. Thus, there’s a one in three chance they will think like a Scorpio, which can explain this behavior. (This is true for any sign. Mercury could be in a nextdoor neighboring sign which can explain why so many people appear to think and express themselves differently than expected for their sign.) What the rest of us need to remember is that Librans really do mean well. They want everyone to be happy and are just trying to help. To simplify your own life, you may want to avoid confiding too much in your Libra friends, especially if it involves gossip. Or at the least, make sure that they aren’t acquainted with any of your enemies. If such should occur, take my word for it, that one or both of you is probably going to wind up in a rubber room. Don’t say I didn’t try to warn you. *** Attitude: It isn't fair. Get to know yourself better with one of our personalized reports. |
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